This is my journey after Weight Loss surgery. It may look easy, but believe me it is not!!! It is awesomely life altering!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


We have been blessed with lots and lots of sunshine this past week. It has helped boost my energy and work on some of those "projects" that so easily get pushed off. My weight loss has not budged at all recently. I fluctuate between the same 3-5lbs. all the time. I am so excited for all the weight I have lost, but also very frustrated as of lately. I mean I keep thinking my stall is over, I'll lose a few pounds and then stop. I keep the carbs down and really watch all my intakes. I will remain positive and hope for the best.
Yesterday I made a triple batch of chocolate peanut butter ice cream, very yummy!!! I also made a pot of chili and some sugar free pudding with protein powder. I am set for snacks and lunches for a while. I also made the kids some buttermilk pancakes, but those I did not touch, way too carby. I keep telling myself to get out and walk, but I have not made it out there yet. I figure when I am really ready I will do it.